Friday, March 18, 2011

We sit back and wait now!

A lot has happened since my last post.  On Thursday, March 3rd I received a call from the Chinese Embassy in DC that said that they had denied our documents because the "staples" that the Department of State used were not securely fastened!  She had to send them back to us.  Keep in mind that our documents were sent to the Dept of State on January 7th.  They forwarded them to the Embassy for us.  That was nearly 2 months and I didn't want to wait for 2 more months to get our documents back, so I sent them to an adoption courier service to take care of for me.  They did great and were fast.  Of course that was after spending $155 for the courier service and Fed Ex in two directions. 

All of our dossier documents were delivered to our agency on March 15th, we sent to our parent agency on March 17th and will head to China on March 25th!

Now we sit back and wait for a referral.  We pray that our daughter will be on the April list of children. 
In the mean time, I am busy filling out more grant applications.

People have asked about her name.  We have a few favorites but we are waiting to see what her Chinese name is so we can incoorperate her Chinese name  her middle name!

That's it for now!  Please take 15 seconds to pray for our daughter.


  1. Wow that's so awesome and I'm so happy for you guys!!!! Can't wait to see pics! :-)

  2. Great job on your Blogging Jennifer, you're a natural!

  3. YAY!!! I came across your blog through the yahoo group forum. My family is also in the process of adopting a little girl from China, and we are almost on the same exact timeline!!! How awesome is God I tell you!!!!! I will be praying for your wonderful ,squishy, sweet, slobbery bundle every time I pray for mine!! I also have a blog....(sad to say I wasn't as good about keeping up with the dates for a timeline) the address is Praying for your family during this exciting and often s..l..o..w process. ;)
