Thursday, October 27, 2011

How are things going? 10-27-11

Many have emailed and sent me Facebook messages, so I thought I should post here!  How have things been going?  Honestly, for the most part, pretty well.  This is what we have been up to and the challenges we have faced!

1st, Jeff went back to work on Monday.  I was concerned how things would go, since Myah had been favoring him over me.  I was thankful that Alexander did not have school that day, so we could take it easy.  Myah did beautifully that day.  When it was nap time, thankfully Samuel went to bed without a fuss and Myah and I laid down in my bed and slept for a few hours.  Monday night we went to church and passed out DVD's in the community and had dinner.  Myah did great in the stroller and Samuel thought he was big stuff to sit in the big boy seat in the stroller.

2nd, Tuesday was Myah's 1st doctor's appt.  She did really well and was not scared by the doctor at all.  He is very pleased with her growth and development.  We have opted to wait on immunizations until after the blood work that will be done at Children's Mercy's International Adoption Clinic that is scheduled for next Monday.  Both babies were fast asleep when we got into the car.  We had planned to visit daddy and work, so he could introduce Myah to his coworkers.  Since they were sleeping, I went through a drive thru and got our lunch, so they could sleep a bit, while we ate in the car.  Myah was a bit timid at times, but did much better when Jeff got her out of the stroller and carried her.  Sam was a hit too... and he scored fruit snacks, twizzlers, a bear, and many offers for chocolate treats!  (I said no to the chocolate, because of the mess and we had further plans.)  We came home for the babies to eat a late lunch and then headed to Alexander's school.  Many were excited to meet Myah there too.

I was concerned about how I was going to get the 3 boys to their classes at church last night, with the addition of a baby.  Everything worked great!  I put her in the carrier and I held Sam's hand!  Everyone got to their classes, Myah and I loaded the car to drive to the youth building for my class.  I put Myah back in the carrier and she actually slept for most of the evening.

3rd, the boys are very sweet to her.  There have been a few episodes where Sam and Myah both wanted the same toy.  Go figure!  Yesterday Sam had a spoon and Myah wanted it.  I got Myah a spoon too, and they were both happy.  Sam is a bit jealous when I am holding Myah.  Normal stuff.  He will soon learn that there is enough love to go around.  I have made extra effort to love on and give him attention, when Myah is not needing my attention too!

4th, last night after the boys were all in bed and asleep Myah began crying very hard.  I was holding her to put her to sleep when it started.  I first thought that she might want another bottle, BUT THAT DIDN'T WORK.  Maybe she had a tummy ache so I tried putting pressure on her tummy BUT SHE GOT MAD.  I walked with her, AND THAT DID NOT DO THE TRICK.  I tried feeding her baby prunes (yuck) and after a few bites, SHE PUSHED IT AWAY!  We had no baby gas drops, SO JEFF WENT TO BUY SOME.  While he was gone she started arching her back.  I put her on the floor to see if that would help.  SHE BEGAN ROLLING AROUND THE ROOM, AND THROWING TOYS AS SHE ROLLED INTO THEM.  I stayed close to her and moved anything that could have hurt her or something else, if she threw it. As she cried, and rolled I told her that I love her and she will always be ours!  I DON'T KNOW THAT SHE UNDERSTOOD, BUT I PRAY THAT THE LOVE I SHOWED HER WAS SINKING INTO HER HEART!

When Jeff got home, I held her to give her the gas drops.  She tried to push them away, but I got her to take them.  SHE STARTED TO CALM DOWN, AND I JUST HELD HER TIGHT!  She finally stopped crying and went to sleep.  She still whimpered for about an hour, so I held her until that completely stopped, before I put her in her bed.  She slept well all night!

What does this mean?  She could have had a bad tummy ache and all she needed to fix it was gas drops.... or she could have been grieving.  Newly adopted children need to grieve the loss of their nannies or foster families.  I TEND TO THINK THAT THIS IS WHAT WAS HAPPENING!  It was hard to experience this with her, but am so glad that it finally came!  I HOPE THAT IS THE END OF HER PAIN, BUT LIKELY THERE IS MORE TO COME!!!

5th, other great strides....  1st, we do not have to be in her sight line every waking moment!  She feels comfortable in our home to explore and for me to leave the room.  PRAISE THE LORD!!!  She has stood up in the middle of the room, without holding onto anything.  She quickly fell, but what a big step for her to make.  Talking about steps... SHE TOOK A FEW STEPS ON HER OWN!!!  I am not ready for that yet... so we won't be pushing that, but wow!!!  She seems to accept my care and attention as much as she does Jeff's.  THAT IS GOOD, SINCE I AM HOME WITH HER ALL DAY!

There is more to share, but it will have to wait.  MY BABY NEEDS HER BOTTLE!



  1. Prayers for the family! It sounds like things are going very well though, given everything she has been through.

    I hate it when you can't tell why a baby is fussy. So much easier if they just fart and then calm down, lol.


  2. I had the honor of spending time with the Stone Clan at their home and I can say without a doubt that baby is happy and finally in her HOME. She'll adjust quickly with all the love she is showered with. Every baby stumbles but your love and grace will cushion her and lift her.

    -Jennifer D

  3. She is doing awesome!!!!
    Can't wait to meet in November!
